Our Programs
The programs offered by the Department of Computer Science lead to the Bachelor of Science or the Master of Science in Computer Science. Majors in other disciplines at TSU are also welcome to take Computer Science as a minor. These programs are designed primarily to prepare graduates for productive work in highly computer-dependent business, government, and industry areas. In recent years, majors graduating from the program have attained their first jobs in business applications, computer software development, and scientific and applied mathematical programming.

Bachelor of Science in CS Designed for students who plan to have a broad but fundamental education to allow them, when they graduate, to work in cooperation with professionals trained in areas other than computer science.
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Bachelor of Science in CS With Computer Networks Concentration This is for students who plan to gain in-depth knowledge of today’s rapidly growing field of computer networks. Students who major in Computer Science and prefer to follow this track are NOT required to select a minor.
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Accelerated 4+1 BSc & MS In Computer Science Open to College of Science, Engineering, and Technology students seeking a B.S. degree in Computer Science with a General CS Concentration. Admission to this graduate program is not automatic.
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Master of Science in CS Designed to provide a flexible graduate curriculum for students who matriculate through its associated degree program. The M.S. program requires the completion of thirty (30) semester credit hours to be completed over two years. Students enrolled can either do a thesis (Plan A) or not doing one (Plan B).
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Classroom Computers When not used for instructional purposes, six classroom computer areas are available to students. Labs are open from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and open 24 hours on Saturdays.

Bachelor of Science in CS Designed for students who plan to have a broad but fundamental education to allow them, when they graduate, to work in cooperation with professionals trained in areas other than computer science.
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Bachelor of Science in CS With Computer Networks Concentration This is for students who plan to gain in-depth knowledge of today’s rapidly growing field of computer networks. Students who major in Computer Science and prefer to follow this track are NOT required to select a minor.
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Accelerated 4+1 BSc & MS In Computer Science Open to College of Science, Engineering, and Technology students seeking a B.S. degree in Computer Science with a General CS Concentration. Admission to this graduate program is not automatic.
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Master of Science in CS Designed to provide a flexible graduate curriculum for students who matriculate through its associated degree program. The M.S. program requires the completion of thirty (30) semester credit hours to be completed over two years. Students enrolled can either do a thesis (Plan A) or not doing one (Plan B).
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Classroom Computers When not used for instructional purposes, six classroom computer areas are available to students. Labs are open from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and open 24 hours on Saturdays.